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Search results

  1. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Yep! I moved the old and these four to my pc o/ (I am proud of my pc. I tinyized it and now it is cute. :3)
  2. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Oh...! I don't think a transaction happened, then. Cause I know I didn't move them into my PC. Oh well, with my modly powers, I can foresee into the past... or at least read your PC's edit history and move them to mine. ... Oh. I guess it did. Disregard me, I suck. ANYWAY, I'll just get those...
  3. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    I forget if we ever completed the previous trade... if any of those are still available to buy, I'm interested! In them and the four above. Just mention which ones I can purchase, and name your price! \o/
  4. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    I would take both! If you ever check the Safari Zone. Also, I want a doduo/dodrio, if anyone's got one. :x And still any Kantos.
  5. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Yes, the transaction is complete after the seller (the one who gains money) posts in the bank thread.
  6. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Ten is fine. And since you're here now, could you do it properly? :x I wouldn't put mine up for trade, but I'll buy your caterpie and sandshrew, along with a poliwag, voltorb, paras, psyduck, koffing, lickitung, growlithe, and diglett. That should be a list of all your unevolved, common Kantos...
  7. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Um idc, hence name your price :x seven? whatevs.
  8. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    I too shall take that bulbasaur! :o Name your price~
  9. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Y...es, which is why I didn't ask to buy any. :B I was just putting that out there for... people, i guess, idk. :B
  10. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Yeah, my current allowance thing is 'wait till someone dips below 20bux, then give 20bux to everyone under a hundred bux'. It works better than giving everyone, even those with like 300+, as much and as frequently as those with less. :T SO to not have this completely off topic, as I mentioned...
  11. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    I buy Kanto! Let me see, all of the bolded ones would come to... 46bux, I do believe. Got a deal? ETA: Oh yeah, free passes to areas are fine. And Cryptica, I added the tangela! :x
  12. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    zeKieranator: Mine mine mine >D go kanto pokemon. Three bux is yours~ just post in the bank!
  13. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Blastoise: Are you putting a shiny sentret up for trade or offering it to James? Cause considering that's not one of the pokémon he asked for and he did say one of the reasons he was looking to trade was avoiding areas with skewed encounters (I can't tell where your sentret came from, but...)...
  14. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Kay! Um... reminder, uv and Eonrider, you have to go to the bank and mention "-5 Midnight for dis trade 'ere" or something to finalize :x
  15. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Gotta catch em all gotta catch em all >D Five bucks?
  16. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Ooh, I'll take dat spearow dere. Got her location data? I don't have any trades, but name your price.
  17. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    o/ indeedly
  18. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    |D; the shellder; vongola is italian, happy as a... yeah. i tend to be annoyingly vague too often
  19. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Vongola! Miz Happy as a, yes. \o/ tradin'
  20. Clover

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Trading unwanted and unloved extra male duskull for any unowned Kanto pokémon~
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